What We Do

Our projects include municipal and private - new construction, repairs/restorations, land clearing, excavation, grading, and underground. Occupied and fully operational job sites are never a problem. We are general contractors that can also plan, manage, and build multi-phase jobs.

Why Choose Us?

We Care. We're Good.

We work with engineers and architects to produce beautiful, functional projects. Call us today and bring our project management skills and extensive construction experience to your next project.

Our Experience

Our owner, Scott Jeffries, has over 17 years of quality in-the-trenches work experience, in all the project types we currently have under way and completed:

Residential site development, commercial site development, a wide variety of municipal services, as well as critical forestry services.

Our employees have many years of experience as well.

We can take care of your site development needs!

Jeffries Construction LLC

18518 NW 41st Ave

Ridgefield, WA 98642



We'll get the job done right!

Contact Us For A Quote!